Thanks for downloading Invoice Builder! Invoice Builder 2.0 includes many new features and improvements from version 1.2.1. Here's a quick list of what's new:
- Multiple invoice/client data files
- Smaller data files: 2.8MB (old format) vs. 266K (new format)
- Password-protect data files
- Unlimited number of invoices in each file
- Unlimited number of entries in each invoice
- Organize invoices into groups
- Faster invoice creation
- AppleScript support
- More invoice and entry options
- Use multiple invoice stationery files
- Better memory management
- More timer features
- New search capability
- Info balloons for quick display of invoice information
- Enhanced toolbar
- Import old data files
- Multi-threading
- Better help system
- Mac OS 8.5 savvy
- Action scripts
- AutoRate menu
Invoice Builder also maintains 100% compatibility with Invoice Builder 1.2. You can import your old "Client Data" files from version 1.1 and later.
System Requirements
System 7.1 or higher
Microsoft Word 6 or higher strongly recommended (in order to create the printable invoices)
1.5 MB RAM
1.1 MB Hard Disk Space
To register, open the "Register" or "Register Online" application included in the Invoice Builder 2.0 folder. Once you've registered and received the registration code in the email (or postal mail), follow these steps to unlock your copy of Invoice Builder:
1. Select "About Invoice Builder…" from the Apple menu.
2. Click "Unlock…"
3. Enter your name in the "Name" box
4. Enter the registration code you received in the "Code" box (it must be entered exactly as you received it).
5. Click "Unlock"
Contact Info
You can reach me at or visit the Invoice Builder website:
I will try to reply to your email and soon as possible. If you have any problems, questions, or comments, please let me know!
You can always find the newest version of Invoice Builder at
If you have an extended keyboard, you can use F-Keys shortcuts. They are...
F1: Cut
F2: Copy
F3: Paste
F4: Clear
F5: New Invoice
F6: New Group
F7: Invoice Info/Open Group
F8: Create Invoice
F9: Add Entry
F10: Search Window
F11: Browser Window
F12: Timer Window
F13: Print One Copy
F14: Get Info
F15: Save
Version History
2.0 – (9/17/99) New release.
1.2.1 – (11/17/98) Fixed Mac OS 8.5 compatibility bugs. Invoice Builder now optimized for better performance.
1.2 – (8/17/98) Bug fixes. Other minor improvements. Invoice numbers now consecutive (starting at one). Timer improvements, new toolbar, create invoices by selected entries, better memory management, imrproved invoice creation.
1.1 – (7/27/98) New format includes options for Sales Tax, Invoice Numbers, Mark an invoice as paid, etc. Interface changes. New invoice options and invoice tags. Improved timer window. Added new invoice entry type (Expenses). Fixed bugs when creating invoices. Improved memory handling and stability.